Guide to Using Heat Pumps for Sub-Zero Temperatures

November 1, 2024

When winter strikes Missouri and temperatures dip below freezing, many homeowners wonder if their heat pumps are up to the task. Heat pumps are a highly efficient way to heat homes, but there are some misconceptions about their effectiveness in extreme cold. Understanding how they operate in freezing temperatures can help you make the best decision for your home. How Heat Pumps Work in Cold Weather Heat pumps operate by transferring heat from the outside air into your home. Even when it’s cold outside, there is still some heat energy in the air. Modern heat pumps are designed to work...

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How Does Geothermal Heating Work?

July 18, 2024

Understanding how geothermal heating works can help you appreciate its efficiency and environmental benefits. Geothermal heating systems harness the earth’s natural heat to warm your home, providing a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional heating methods. What Is Geothermal Heating? Geothermal heating uses the consistent temperature found just below the earth’s surface to heat your home. Unlike the air temperature, which can vary greatly, the ground temperature remains relatively stable year-round. This consistency makes geothermal systems highly efficient and reliable. How Does It Work? A geothermal heating system consists of a heat pump, a ground loop system, and a distribution...

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Why Is My Furnace Filter Black?

May 15, 2024

Have you noticed that your furnace filter is turning black? This can be a concerning sight for homeowners, but it often indicates a specific issue with your heating system. Let me explain why this might be happening. 1. Normal Accumulation of Dirt and Debris: Over time, furnace filters naturally collect dust, dirt, and other particles from the air. When your filter turns black, it could simply be a sign of this normal accumulation. This buildup occurs as the filter captures airborne pollutants circulating through your home. 2. Excessive Dirt and Neglected Maintenance: If your furnace filter is turning unusually black,...

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Why Is Your Furnace Whistling?

October 19, 2022

Monitoring your furnace is a key part of catching issues before they worsen. A noisy furnace is often attributed to problems with the filter or ductwork. However, some noises can indicate something has gone wrong with the gas supply valve. Here are the most common reasons behind a whistling furnace. Clogged Filters A dirty filter may cause a whistling sound if it’s impacting airflow into the system. The noise comes from the air being pulled through the clogged filter into the furnace. Dirty filters allow excessive dust and debris into the system, increasing wear and tear. It’s essential to switch...

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Three Sure Signs That Your Furnace Should Be Replaced

December 3, 2020

Updated On: 10/19/23 On average, a quality furnace lasts 18-20 years when it receives proper maintenance; those with spotty maintenance might only last 10-12 years. There are clues that your furnace needs to be replaced. Here are the three most common ones. 1. Frequent Repairs As furnaces reach the end of their natural lifespans, they break down more often. One part breaking often leads to other parts suffering the same fate. If having a repair will cost more than 50% of having a new one installed, this is a sign you should get it replaced. in De Soto, MO, can...

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Learn How Common Heating Systems Work

October 20, 2020

Cooler temperatures have arrived in DeSoto, MO, and frigid winter weather is on the way. Now is the time to make sure you have a heating system that’s ready to keep your home warm. Read on to learn how heating systems work so that you can make an informed choice about the best one for your comfort and budget needs. Gas Furnace Gas furnaces burn natural gas, the gas enters the combustion chamber and the pilot light ignites it. A heat exchanger passes the warm air through the air handler, where it’s filtered and pushed into the ducts. The waste...

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How To Change a Furnace Filter

February 16, 2020

The air filter in your furnace traps airborne particles, dust and debris. The filter prevents these particles from blowing in your furnace and the air. Replacing your furnace’s filter is essential to keeping your furnace operating efficiently. The good news is that you can replace a filter in a few minutes. Here are quick and easy steps for changing your furnace filter: Disconnect Your Furnace’s Power Safety is important when it comes to replacing your filter. Your furnace is an electrical system, and working with electricity can be hazardous. Before you begin, disconnect your furnace from its power source. Taking...

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5 Signs You Need a Furnace Replacement

November 12, 2019

is a locally owned and operated heating company that has served De Soto for more than 50 years. Among the most common heating mistakes we encounter is when homeowners wait too long for a furnace replacement. Let us consider five signs that the time for you is now. 1. Age The average furnace lifespan is 15-20 years. Even with regular maintenance, a furnace this old is inefficient, which raises your heating bill. What exacerbates this, and which many homeowners overlook, is the evolution of technology. Modern furnaces are far more energy-efficient than 15-year-old furnaces even if the older models were...

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